(Pre-Order) Bandai Digimon Color Monster Hunter 20th Edition Zinogre Color
Product Description:
To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Monster Hunters series, these popular '90s toys have been recreated in full LCD color and combines the Digimon/Digital Monster COLOR with Monster Hunter! The Zinogre Color version features a colors cheme modeled after Zinogre.
These Digital Monster devices feature monsters from the Monster Hunter universe, and fusion monsters such as RathalosGreymon, combining Rathalos and Greymon, and JinougaRurumon, a cross between Jinouga and Garurumon. The device features a rechargeable battery and USB type-C charging cable.
Not only do the characters appear in color, but the background designs can also change with this new design!
Rathalos Color version not included (sold separately)
Product Features:
- 1.75 x 2.5 inches (4.4cm x 6.3cm)
- Made of plastic and other electronic components
- Full-color LCD screens
- Rechargeable battery with USB type-C charging cable
- Includes 36 possible characters in the game
- Training and battle games are played to level up your monsters
- Zinogre version
- May or may not include English translation
Est. SG Arrival Date: June ~ July 2025 (subjected to change without further notice)